April 13 iRobot - IStem Update

Dear Parents, Guardians and Students,

I hope this finds you happy and healthy. I know that most of you are aware that this past Monday, our Governor and State Superintendent made the hard decision to cancel in-school learning for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year. Although this was not shocking news, it was still a hard pill to swallow when speculation became reality. 
You likely have a lot of questions regarding how this impacts school as we move forward, I do too. Unfortunately, there is currently no change in the type of instruction or interactions we will be having with students. My understanding is that our district is still in the decision making process and no information has been released to teachers at this time. I wish I had more answers for you, but at this time, I don’t. I am just as anxious as you are as to what we will be doing next.

For the time being, there is an educational experience video with some questions on Google Classroom for iROBOT and iSTEM students to explore

Please contact me with any questions - tim.rogers@tumwater.k12.wa.us

Take Care,

Tim Rogers


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