Feb 20 - March 1 - iSTEM - iROBOT

February - March

iRobot and iSTEM

GOOGLE - 21 Century Skills - Digital Citenzenship

Students in both classes are working on Google Suite during February and March

We have explored our Google Drive and Organization ideas

We have worked on Google Docs - Word Processing - My Spring Break Report

This week we explored Google Sheets - Spread Sheets

We did a Skittle Challenge and learned some simple coding to help with formulas in our Sheets

Next week we will look at Google Slides - Powerpoint Presenting!

Also iRobot is a CTE course so we usually explore 21 Century Skills during the week and review on Fridays

I really believe in teaching 21 Century Skills as these are key skills students need to be successful in any career in the future.

Explore more on 21 Century Skills HERE

Last - Throughout the Semester both iRobot and iSTEM will be looking at Digital Citizenship lessons.

Monday we explored the topic of CYBER BULLYING

Here is a great link on tips and tools for Families for Cyber Bullying


Define your terms.

Check in about online life.


Encourage upstanding.

Take breaks

Review worst-case steps.


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